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Film Reviewing

Having done a lot of theory studying in Fine Arts in cegep and university, Attari also enjoys writing and researching about films and tv shows. This allows Attari to translate a film from its visual cinematic language into written words, learn, for example, about the filmmaker, the cinematic techniques that make the film unique and conventions in film and television. It was by studying their films that Charlie Chaplin, Spike Lee, Maya Deren, and Quentin Tarantino became inspirations to him. Studying films and writing on them also help Attari with his filmmaking because by learning about existing tricks in the industry, Attari can get inspiration when thinking about strategies for his own projects. With his Public Speaking skills, Attari can also make film reviews in the form of speeches and perform them in front of a camera or in front of an audience. Along with videography and photography, film reviewing is another way that Attari can cover special events. He has covered twice as a Film Reviewer the Fantasia International Film Festival.


Dean Attari at the Fantasia International Film Festival where he had reviewed some films

Photography Credit: Louise Callier

Photo Editing Credit: Dean Attari

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