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Good Morning Walter (2016)

Good Morning Walter is a silent short experimental-comedy film by Dean Attari where, after finding his morning chores boring and unamusing, Walter, from Walter’s Bad Day, gets distracted by something he does enjoy doing. 



Walter, a laborer in his mid-30s, wakes up and comes into his kitchen at around 6am to do chores. He does not enjoy doing the chores, like washing dishes and folding blankets and towels, nor can he find any amusement while doing them if he tries. After accidentally throwing his pancake onto the dish container while trying to playfully flip it in his pan, Walter notices the deck of cards on the counter. As he thinks he should go to the trash can in his kitchen and throw away his ruined  pancake, he dreams strongly about playing cards in his living room, where he can have fun and do as he wishes. Is Walter going to finish his morning chores or just dream about doing something he enjoys?



- This short film is available on Youtube.

- Though there are no direct explanations, the events of Good Morning Walter actually take place after the events of Walter’s Bad Day, despite the latter being released 2 years after the first.

- Differences from Walter’s Bad Day:

            - This short film was released on the Internet while Walter’s Bad Day premiered in a film festival.

            - This short film is completely mute, there is no sound or music playing at any time.

            - This short film is mainly an experimental, therefore the comedy is relatively less.

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